I’m in Limbo

The new beginning is just waiting for the end.
— Jesus, Memoirs of Jesus

This is not a theological statement. I find no biblical basis for the concept of limbo, but the it has entered our consciousness in the abstract, metaphorical sense. A waiting time, a time of nerves.

Memoirs of Jesus is nearing completion. If you’re reading this, it’s likely later and MOJ is published and available. What’s the big deal?

You’re right, of course, it isn’t a big deal; at least, not to anyone except me. I’ve been dealing with MOJ on an everyday basis for over 3.5 years, and as another abstract concept for maybe 20 more years before that. Now I’ve decided to put down the pen after continuous refinement and move forward with sending this creation out into the world . . . only it’s stuck.

Yesterday (V-E Day, as my fellow history buffs would know from the date of this entry), the proof printing came. A message came through on-line that the package was on its way, and I waited eagerly for it. While the published book will be available on Amazon, and eligible for Prime (if you have that thing, which we do), the printed proof copy is not so honored. I have to pay for shipping (such a first-world issue . . . yet a bit complicated by the delivery priorities of the pandemic). I paid for the 3-5 day rate, because the < 3 day rate was almost the cost of the book, and overnight delivery was simply not available. Three to five days is a range, though, and they initially said Saturday (day 7) which made me ecstatic that they then updated it to Friday (day 6). I’m not sure that’s a wonderful thing or a sad thing.

My first feeling was a bit of awe. I do apologize for it. I’m not sure how that will hit you. If you’re reading or have read or will read MOJ, you might share that feeling or have something wildly less than that, but I finally had a tangible book with its cover (though with “Not For Resale” stamped on it). I could feel its heft. I knew it was a solid 100,000 words, but what would it feel like for my own book to come out that way? It was thicker for sure than War and Peace in Dodge. I silently felt it, let the heaviness sink into my hands as my eyes gazed over the beautiful glossiness of the cover.

The cover is worth another Blog entry sometime, but let me just say that while I like my first book’s cover, I love this one. Maybe it will wear on me, maybe I should not have had the pineapple so big, but it works, it all works.

Anyway, the reason for the proof copy of course is to see how the printing looks and make any last changes before publishing. I found things, which is good, and fixed them (which, I suppose, is even better). I worked all Friday night on the changes, some flowing through quickly, others stubbornly refusing to budge into the “fixed” column. Finally, I quietly realized that I wasn’t going to be publishing this weekend (today). I needed to make my changes and order another proof, to make sure what I changed looked as good as I thought it would. <Sigh>

I ordered the < 3 business day shipping. I hate this waiting time!


Announcing the Launch of Memoirs of Jesus as told to David Kurtz


Background and Perspective